Get professional ear wax removal services now!

Have trouble with stubborn earwax?

If yes, you need to see a professional. Our accredited healthcare professionals at Squeaky Ears offer the best microsuction ear wax removal services. 

We offer these services at an affordable price of £65 for 1 or 2 ears. What if we don’t find earwax? In such a scenario, you would have to pay £35 for the complete ear health check. 

What is microsuction earwax removal?

Microsuction ear removal is a cleaning process to prevent wax build-up in your ear. It uses a vacuum for the gentle removal of wax. It’s one of the most effective and safe procedures for ear cleaning.

We at Squeaky Ears also offer a microsuction earwax removal service by our accredited healthcare professionals.

How is ear syringing different from the microsuction procedure?

Ear syringing involves pushing water through the ear canal to flush the excess earwax. Although it’s an effective process, it could bring some complications and side effects. For instance, the incorrect implementation of this procedure could cause impacted earwax or ear infection.

On the other hand, microsuction has no such side effects. That’s why Squeaky Ears offers only microsuction, not ear syringing.

What do we offer in our wax removal service?

While booking our earwax removal services, you must know you’re in safe hands. 


It will take only 30 minutes for your wax removal service via our Tympa Health ear care system.


First, we will inform you about the procedure and equipment used. Once you're satisfied with our services, you will have to give your consent by signing a consent form.


In the second step, we will examine your ear health. Then, our professionals will inspect your eardrums and ear canals with the help of a digital otoscope. A digital otoscope is a video camera light magnifier that records all the information during an examination. The recorded information will help the professionals know if any change occurs in your ear over time.


Now our clinicians will remove the wax in your ear with a digital magnifier and suction tube.


After completing the procedure, our professional will check your ears' health by performing a Hearing Screening.


But, if we don't remove any wax, we will sign post you to the appropriate healthcare service.

Keep the following things in mind before you get microsuction earwax removal services


Some safety measures

Call your audiologist or GP if you’ve experienced any of the following issues:

  • Middle ear infection in last 90 days
  • Ear pain in the last 90 days
  • Ear infection
  • Previous history of ear surgery
  • Possibility of any foreign body in the ear canal 
  • Perforated eardrum
  • Fluid discharge from inside the ear 

Never visit the Squeaky Ears if you or any one of your family members

Soften your earwax before your appointment

Complete earwax removal may take more than one attempt. You can make the process more effective by softening the wax. We suggest you use olive oil to soften the wax before you book an appointment.  

An ideal olive oil spray for this purpose is Earol. Firstly, read the brochure instructions. Then use this spray 2-4 times daily for 7-10 days before your appointment. Avoid using other drops or sprays because they’re not so effective in earwax removal. 

Once you use olive oil, the wax will absorb the oil. It may impair your hearing. But you don’t need to worry about it, it’s normal. 

Here’re some precautions that you need to take while using olive oil:

  • Avoid using hearing aids after you put olive oil in your ears. It is essential to do so because olive oil could damage your hearing aids (the warranty wouldn’t cover this damage). 
  • Call your doctor immediately if you feel irritation or discomfort after using olive oil. 
  • Stop using olive oil if you experience a foul taste after you use it. This foul smell might be a sign of an eardrum hole. In such a scenario, contact your doctor as soon as possible. 

All about earwax

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